Authors |
Shchanina Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, sub-department
of sociology and staff management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Demographic aging as a global trend of development of the modern civilization attracts attention to the status of elderly people in the modern world. This demographic situation causes not just formation of new requirements and capabilities of elderly people, but also a denial of the outdated conceptions of the old age. The problem of the old age value and ideals of elderly people is becoming a significant element of the society’s psychological climate, creating psychological comfort and discomfort of the elderly. The aim of the work is todetermine the status of elderly people in the social space of the modern Russian society.
Materials and methods. Realization of the research tasks was achieved on the basis of the analysis of the results of a sociological research, carried out in 2014 among elderly people in Penza region. In the course of the research a special place was taken by the analysis of the status of elderly people. The activity approach was used as a methodological basis. The main research method was a survey.
Result. The research of the social status of elderly people allowed to reveal main problems, encountered by a person entering retirement age, including the problems of loneliness, family interaction.
Conclusions. The study of the social status of elderly people allowed to conclude that the change of attitude towards elderly people and to aging in general would allow people to adapt faster to new life conditions, concerning retirement and entering old ages.
References |
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